Children Camps
amps are held over weekends or during the term holidays. Teenage children come to a particular center and take part in multiple activities ranging from computer classes to games to cultural activities. Although most of these activities are planned so that the children get to learn what they would otherwise not learn at school, a lot of other inputs get included in a very unobtrusive way.
We have heard from many of the youth that their decision to go on for higher studies or get involved with the Sangam activities has been largely due to the influence of the camps they had attended.
They mentioned that at the camps the ideas discussed the questions raised and the challenges they would face in future, had all contributed to the direction and the decisions they had made.
The trust thus believes that the youth have to build their future and that camps play a significant role in shaping their future.
Below you can read more on some of our camps.
Children Camp – May 2018
To make future leaders
Facilitators: 13
Villages covered: 11
- Alcoholism
This is major problem that we face in the community: Here Vijay kumar shared his experience on struggles during alcoholic days and with great determination how did he come out of i

- Unity
To solve any problem in the village we need to be united. Unity brings strength by Stan
- Questioning
To fight injustice in the community we need to ask relevant questions to solve – by Ramdas